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SQL import failed | Forum

Cemil May 28 '12
How can i fix  SQL import failed  problem. I have to fix it now. :S
The Forum post is edited by Cemil May 28 '12
Joseph May 28 '12
where are you importing from and how big is the file?
Cemil May 28 '12
This in an error which appears when installing. It says change config.php, i did but when i click next it says SQL import failed.
Mark May 28 '12
again what are you trying to install/import?

we need more details.

Cemil May 28 '12
im tryng install oxwall 

Mark May 28 '12
hmm its failing to import the database file (ow_install/files/install.sql)

what permissions does the mysql user that is being used for the install have?

if using cpanel > http://docs.cpanel.net/twiki/bin/view/11_30/CpanelDocs/MySQLDatabases#Define%20a%20User%27s%20Privileges

Cemil May 28 '12
:S I don't use cPannel. Mine is Vista Pannel. How can i do it? Or can you explain me how can i edit permissions in MySQL 5.5.5?
Mark May 29 '12
Ive never used vista panel so have no idea, you should contact your web host. usually it will be listed under the mysql or database section