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Mobile version does not seem to be differen from desktop version | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Seyed Jan 29 '16
I wonder why for most themes, but not all, clicking on the "Mobile version", which is usually located at the page bottom, does not seem to change the theme. I mean it seems that mobile and desktop versions is the same.

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 29 '16
Do you have mobile activated in the admin panel. If so, when you click on mobile view it should display the Simplicity mobile version. If you don't have mobile activated, click g on mobile view will do nothing.
Seyed Jan 29 '16
Thanks Darryl. You're right, I can enable/disable mobile version of my site from admin panel. But I cannot do so for theme demo pages provided in the oxwall.com/store/item/* (such as oxdemo.ow-visuals.com/index?layout=astoria ) before purchasing the theme. So do you think they have not enabled their "mobile version" in the admin panel? That would seem unusual because a potential customer usually wants to see before buying.

By the way, I think it would be good to remove "Mobile version" at the bottom of pages if mobile version is disables.

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Jan 29 '16
Any of the responsive themes don't require the mobile version to view it on mobile, unless you want it. 
You should be able to remove the "mobile view" link by going to the admin panel/pages. Drag it down to the field that hides pages.
Seyed Jan 29 '16
Thanks very much Darryl.