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bad code standards | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
can these bad code standards be fixed

background image should never ever be use like this
it should be a proper img tag with alt username

theres lots more bad code standards but these are some i find in quick looking at some things  

the avatar image on profiles is a background image ???
i bet is the same for groups etc 

in /ow_system_plugins/base/views/avatar_change    line 208
<div style="background-image: url({$image.url});" class="ow_photo_item">    this should not be a background image 

/ow_system_plugins/base/views/avatar_user_list_select   line 39
avatar=$avatars[$user.id]                   no alt tags

/ow_system_plugins/base/views/floatbox_user_list   line 37
avatar=$avatars[$user.id]                   no alt tags

/ow_system_plugins/base/views/my_avatar_widget   line 5
   <a href="{$avatar.url} " class="ow_my_avatar_username"><span>{$avatar.title}</span></a>                no alt tags

/ow_plugins/birthdays/views/components/my_birthday_widget   line 2
   <img src="{$ballonGreenSrc}" /><br />                no alt tags

/ow_system_plugins/base/views/users   line 33
   avatar=$avatars[$id]                no alt tags

ow_plugins\contact_importer\views\components/widget   line 20
 <img src="{$b.iconUrl}" />                                  no alt tags 

\ow_plugins\friends\views\controllers/list_index   line 38  
 avatar=$avatars[$id]                no alt tags

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Feb 1 '16
ross Team
ross Feb 1 '16
make a suggestion here: http://oxwall.uservoice.com/...-alt-tags-for-photos

if it gets enough voices we'll consider implementing it. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
hahahahhahahahahahaah really ross please im not a 2 yr old 

nothing that has got enough votes has been implemented and oxwall delete so much there its not funny 

this is not something that needs votes 

is coding standards 
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
any other script in the known universe if you show them theres bad code standards they bend over back wards to fix it 
because they dont want anyone knowing there script is bad
and dont want ppl telling others how bad there script is

and so many other reasions why they fix bad coding straight away 

hahahah but not oxwall  lets site back do nothing and dont care our script sux at being compliant with any coding standards and make ppl vote for it 

and when we decide we dont want to do it lets delete the uservoice and all its votes 
Anitaku Feb 1 '16
Sarcasm aside.. this is pretty ridiculous. 

Other platforms would fix it asap. At very least they would be open to accepting fixes provided/donated/paid for from the community and be happy to work with them except against. 

Understand that the team is small but if you want a successful platform you need to be more open with the way you handle community requests and issues. 
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
i ahve offered to fix things like this and give oxwall the fixed code to add to the script but they told me they wont add it 

and for the record thats the tenth uservoice for alt tags 
the rest have been removed and if you add all the votes it would be way on top by long way 
well maybe not as much as video uploader that was removed as well
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Feb 1 '16
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
these are so easy to fix 
take groups plugin 
<a href="{$group.url}"><img src="{$group.imgUrl}" /></a>

change to this

<a href="{$group.url}"><img alt="{$group.title}" src="{$group.imgUrl}" /></a>

ross Team
ross Feb 1 '16
we have an open repository https://github.com/oxwall  for oxwall community members to add their pull requests with the fixes there. none of the requests have been ignored, our techs look through the fixes which users provided and if it is a valid fix, it is included in the master repository, if some thing is missing our devs provide their feedback to the users to improve the provided fix. 

you'r free to do that as well

as to the fixes not being implemented, as I menionted earlier to you (Tammy) we have our own internal roadmap, our product manager decides which fixes must be included in any of the releases, me as a support team member cannot influence that in any way

The Forum post is edited by ross Feb 1 '16
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
i know you can not influence in any way

but you  can can show them the bad code 

and if i was you and i showed them they had bad code and they not do anything about il 
i would walk out the door and never look back 
but that me i would never ever work with or help anyone that would not help them selfs

https://github.com/oxwall  lol go look at it theres been nothing done there for years 

tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
mailbox plugin fix

         <a id="conversationItemAvatarProfileUrl"><img src="<%= avatarUrl %>" alt="" title="<%= shortUserData %>" style="max-width: 100%;" id="conversationItemAvatarUrl"></a>

change to

         <a id="conversationItemAvatarProfileUrl"><img alt="%= displayName %" src="<%= avatarUrl %>" title="<%= shortUserData %>" style="max-width: 100%;" id="conversationItemAvatarUrl"></a>
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Feb 1 '16
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
hmmmm ok i had look and it has been updated there 
then why is there this link 

that nothing has been done
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Feb 1 '16
ross Team
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 1 '16
yes i found the core 

but why is there this and link to it on the download page here 

ross Team
ross Feb 1 '16
also public repository on bitbucket