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Mobile "My Dashboard" page is blank on iPhone/Android/desktop | Forum

Unus Feb 18 '16
Mobile "My Dashboard" page is blank on iPhone/Android/desktop.

Everything seems to be in place yet, when I go on mobile version to "My Dashboard" it is empty. I have only the "My Dashboard" on top and also on the top menu on the left the icon for the main menu and on the right the icon for users. That's it, below this top menu (header) there's nothing, the whole page is empty.

Can anyone tell me how should I debug from here?

I looked in the browser debug mode and I can see the div class="place_section" is having no children, this is where all the main content should be generated.

every other mobile page is working great except this one.

I have enabled dev and debug and I looked in browser console, in network profiler and there's no error; I looked on the apache logs on system logs on the server, on the logs from oxwall and still no error that looks related.

what "make sure you have display error ON on your server" actually means in this context?

any help / hit would be appreciated 

thank you

ross Team
ross Feb 18 '16
Unus, take a look at Taisia's replies here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/34097
ross Team
ross Feb 18 '16
Please do not duplicate your posts
Unus Feb 19 '16
thank you ross, sorry for duplication.