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setting up a oxwall optimized server [Open Discussion] | Forum

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Joseph Jun 6 '12
I want to host my oxwall site at amazon however first I need to know how to set up the the strongest most optimized server possible including using litespeed,nginx,and all needed components
The Forum post is edited by Alia Apr 4 '13
Joseph Jun 6 '12
possibly convert this tutorial for oxwall?  http://www.ewanleith.com/blog/900/10-million-hits-a-day-with-wordpress-using-a-15-server I am working on it now if anyone wants to chip in results
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Count me in this.
Joseph Jun 6 '12
I am combining some methods currently from the previous url but I have added in some of the steps to install eaccelerator using this tutorial http://www.travisberry.com/2010/10/lightning-fast-php-server-with-nginx-eaccelerator-and-varnish/

also since the eaccelerator site is no longer functional I have prepared a wget link for the file at https://s3.amazonaws.com/...elerator-

Joseph Jun 6 '12
in the end we will compile all our data and post a tutorial here for oxwall as most everything so far is completely aimed at wordpress and oxwall has a few minor differences
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Hope you had a look on my tutorial on hosting in amazon Ec2 server. We can include those too.
Joseph Jun 6 '12
i believe thats when I set up my first run on ec2 however for this tutorial I will not be installing apache at all because apache will not optimize but I will go back and look I honestly have only one issue and that is when I get everything installed sometimes the server stops loading like the ports appear to be blocked I will show you when I compile everything this round
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thanks for this. Hope to work together on this.
Joseph Jun 7 '12
ok well I have set up a server it is running it seems to be fairly stable however now we need to work out any optimization that we can here are some things we have done so far 

1.installed mysql service and setup a user via ssh

2.installed php5 and php5 components to work with sql database

3.installed nginx and configured it accordingly to the first tutorial listed

4.created a public_html folder and uploaded our oxwall files and set permissions

so now we have oxwall up and running but now we need to optimize this server even more than it is already so I am going to try and setup varnish with our site next and anyone who wants to can vote for some other tests

Joseph Jun 7 '12
update is we have varnish installed now and things are loading slightly slow when it comes to the dashboard anybody else on this might have a solution to our situation?
Joseph Jun 7 '12
everything here seems good I got varnish to work but it didn't do much for me I also had to install pdo,zlib,json,and gd library support after that things were pretty much 100% so there you have it guys I will compile a step by step guide shortly on these results I had a nice number of users online running on the small package for ec2 I will also update later on optimizing further
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Does oxwall is designed to work with non-apache things? Good that you have made it to work.

The site I made using Oxwall has 550 users in just less than a month. The site is running in  small ec2 instance. Micro instance was giving lot of problems.
Joseph Jun 8 '12
yes micro is best for building and getting started up for free but small is the best way to go after a launch and get growth going mostly the way I see it is this 

apache is set up with all these things already pre installed and mostly why I feel they suggest using it but you can run these sites without it I confirmed that and if your site ever gets suspended from a server for over use this tutorial will be a great thing to have it can have you up and running within about 30 minutes minus the time it takes to set up domain

Jody Apr 3 '13
Was this information ever consolidated?
Alia Team
Alia Apr 4 '13
Jody, I am not sure about Joseph's documentation.

Here is the one we currently have: http://docs.oxwall.org/userguide:performance:optimization
David A
David A Apr 4 '13
Great to see this type of community work!  Thanks!