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mass mailing and notification emails | Forum

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jun 9 '12
since I moved my website from Wall.fm to Oxwall everytime I send out a mass mail to all my members they do not receive it, and I used to get an email every time someone wrote on my profile or sent me a message but now since I moved to Oxwall that does not happen anymore why is this? can anyone help me please?

kind regards

Stan Jnr


Mark Jun 10 '12
have you setup cron?
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jun 10 '12
yes I have set up cron.
Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jun 10 '12
Hi Mark to be honest with you since I joined a new host and set up the cron job thats basically if I can remember correctly when the mass mailing stop after I transferred my website from Wall.fm to Oxwall, I have no understanding of how the cron works or how it should be set up?
Mark Jun 10 '12
without cron setup correctly notifications will not work

what control panel does your host run?

Stan Thompson
Stan Thompson Jun 10 '12
I am not sure Mark but I sent you a private message explaining about the problem, and I would very much appreciate if you could help me.

kind regards

Stan Jnr
Mark Jun 10 '12
All should be working now.