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How I can line-up the appearence of the packages? - Paid Membership | Forum

TonyKa Mar 4 '16
they appear opposite on price and number. I want see the cheaper first.

Is it possible?

Thank you!

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Mar 7 '16
TonyKa, the only way is to recreate the plans from scratch starting from 7 days period and adding the plans one-by-one in order of increasing.
TonyKa Mar 7 '16
I did this again but again it displays in wrong way.

Look at my sceenshot! The smaller number is down (7 days is membership plan 17) but its still on the end!!!!


thank you so much

Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Mar 7 '16
TonyKa, could you please provide us with the step-by-step instructions on how you add the plans. We tested it at our demo (http://oxdemo.skalfa.com/) and it works just fine. 
TonyKa Mar 17 '16

I deleted ALL memberships again. one by one.. So there were noone.

I added first the cheaper and after the most expensive.. It takes them wrong, i dont know why...

Thank you once more!!!

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