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Data Import and Cron | Forum

Eldon Lee Lim
Eldon Lee Lim Jun 13 '12
Hello oxwall support,

What will be the page display if ../ow_cron/run.php will be browse? And how to determine if it is working or not because I have a problem in importing my data from my wall.fm site to my local/stand-alone oxwall site running in local computer. I already checked the maximum file uploads, maximum execution intervals, salt password, and scheduled a cron jobs thru task scheduler, BTW I'm using Windows OS, running WAMP Server 2.2.

When I browse the run.php using http, it displayed nothing, just a white page, is this really the page I suppose to see?

When I'm importing the backup file, after several minutes, it displayed "The connection was reset", and sometimes it brings/displays the import page again and seems nothing happened.

Thank you very much.

Michael I.
Michael I. Jun 15 '12
Yes, you are supposed to see a blank page. Do you have SSH access to your server? You can run crontab -l command, then copy the cron command (w/o asterisks) and paste it to the SSH command line. If it runs properly, you would not see any errors.
Eldon Lee Lim
Eldon Lee Lim Jun 16 '12
Hello aka_le_Mulder,

How can I do that? May I know the step by step procedures? Thank you very much.

Michael I.
Michael I. Jun 19 '12
Did you check the manual already: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron ?
Eldon Lee Lim
Eldon Lee Lim Jun 19 '12
Hello aka_le_Mulder,

Yes, I already did, I run the cron locally. What will be the possible output after I executed it? In my case, I did not see any results, it's just bring me back to the original path/directory I was working on.

Michael I.
Michael I. Jun 22 '12
That most likely means that your Cron works properly. Otherwise you would see some errors.
Eldon Lee Lim
Eldon Lee Lim Jun 22 '12
Hello aka_le_Mulder,

Ah okay, good to hear that. But I still got a problem when I'm trying to import my data from my wall.fm site to my local/stand-alone oxwall site.

When the importing of backup file starts, after several minutes, it displayed "The connection was reset", and sometimes it brings/displays the import page again and seems nothing happened.

And another thing is, after that particular import process was done, then when I logged out to my account and tried to login again, I can't access my account anymore though my username and password are correct, It always showed me "Invalid Password" notification.

Thank you very much.