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Get rid of JS title? | Forum

Marcus Mar 9 '16
How to make JS stop generating title tag and show default one!

I mean title="hello world" it's shows broken or doesn't go away.
ross Team
ross Mar 9 '16
I'm sorry but you need to elaborate your issue. 

What do you do? And what you're trying to achieve? 

Marcus Mar 10 '16
Sorry Ross. I mean when this HTML element has a title tag ex: title="hello world" when you mouth-over it it will show the title right!

However on my site in many cases it gets stuck doesn't go away!
Marcus Mar 10 '16
Go to: http://demo.oxwall.org/ and hover over any user avatar that's what I mean!
ross Team
ross Mar 10 '16
Ok, are you referring to this issue: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/45649
ross Team
ross Mar 10 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Marcus Mar 10 '16
YES exactly thanks!
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
The issue has been already reported and will be fixed asap. 
Marcus Mar 11 '16
Could you tell me if that is JS or CSS?
ross Team
ross Mar 11 '16
JS, if you're referring to the issue
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 11 '16
Marcus Mar 12 '16
Found the code:


line 95


line 100

this code remove or comment out!

showContent='<span class="ow_tip_title">'+$el.attr('title')+'</span>';}
var $rootEl=$('<div class="ow_tip ow_tip_'+params.side+'"></div>').css({display:'none'}).append($('<div class="ow_tip_arrow"><span></span></div><div class="ow_tip_box">'+showContent+'</div>'));if(params.width!=null){$rootEl.css({width:params.width});}

The Forum post is edited by Marcus Mar 12 '16
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 12 '16
Lol and oxwall could not fix it in how many years
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 12 '16
Problem is like every solution to something gets lost on updates 
Marcus Mar 13 '16
Notice this code will get rid of the entire feature (which is very basic by the way) but since it's problematic I would really have it off than giving wrong impression to my users :)
Marcus Mar 13 '16
Try replacing this code with the one from latest version maybe works better!