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oxwall 1.8.2 | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
in the change logs there only one fix 
and thats for http links in newsfeed 
what about the rest the site
why is everything only half done 

- fixed several XSS vulnerabilities what about the rest the problems with ombedded ?????????????
what about the other 300 important fixes that needs to be done 

Oxwall 1.8.2 beta, Mar 15, 2016 ==================================== Platform [core]: - Oxwall minimum PHP supported version increased to 5.5; - the list of changes is now shown during plugin update request (if the plugin developer added the list of changes to the Store, see https://docs.oxwall.org/...og-to-updated-plugin); - improved validation system for commercial plugins/themes; - added new class definition <body class="ow {$theme-name}"> for each theme, where $thene-name is taken from theme.xml - fixed several XSS vulnerabilities (thanks to a report from Tim Coen); - added Uninstall option for disabled plugins in the Admin Panel; - fixed a bug preventing site admins to upload graphics in Admin Panel > Appearance > Customize > Graphics, in cases when site admins did not have user action 'upload photos'; Photos [photo]: - added warning message when uploaded photo is bigger than the size defined in the plugin settings; - fixed photo thumbs display for photo widget in mobile version; - removed duplicate photos in the list of photos on the 'Most discussed photos' page; Events [event]: - fixed a bug allowing logged out users to edit events of other users; Videos [video]: - fixed the validation of video embed code during editing; Friends [friends]: - fixed a bug appearing when a user deletes someone from the friends list; Newsfeed: - outbound links left by users are no longer converted to https, when SSL is active across the entire site; - unless a user post features a thumbnail image, the post now fits the full width of the newsfeed; Import Contacts [contact_importer]: - added Send button when selecting Gmail contacts to invite;
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Mar 17 '16
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
and why in hell has the problem with paste stuff in forums like i just did still gets messed up 
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
none of this shit in the changelogs are anywhere near as inportant as so many of the problems 

adding chanelogs to plugin in the store is more important then stooping the scams in the store and more important then actually having plugin in the store that works ??????????????????????????????????????????????????

who is the project manager he needs slapping 

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Mar 17 '16
ross Team
ross Mar 17 '16
all other reported issues will be fixed in the next upcoming releases. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
this proves oxwall project manager is an idiot

Newsfeed: - outbound links left by users are no longer converted to https, when SSL is active across the entire site; - unless a user post features a thumbnail image, 

ombedded posts a image on every dam link posted in newsfeed and chat

The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Mar 17 '16
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
please can we have a list of whats getting fixed 
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
we keep getting the same answer this will be fixed in upcoming build 

please can we have a list of what is going to be fixed in the next update and whats already planed to be fix on the one after

tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
ross there way to many to do in one update 

all other reported issues will be fixed in the next upcoming releases. 

it would have to be spread accross at least 3 updates
ross Team
ross Mar 17 '16
We can't address all issues at once. Again,  we are small team. Some issues been reported while the development cycle for 1.8.2 was in progress, which means that these issues couldn't be included in that release, as the issues which need to be fixed were already selected, therefore the reported issues are transferred to other upcoming releases. 

It's up to the product manager to choose which issues need to be fixed and in which release. 

tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
if you provide a knows bug list 
so we can see it and suggest some that may be over looked 

if the list is 300 problems
and oxwall come up with that they can fix 80 or 100 per update that would be cool
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
It's up to the product manager to choose which issues need to be fixed and in which release. 

NO choose anything 
start with the oldest bugs  that are over 3 years old 

and if all stupid things like licence checks and so on are put on hold theres plenty of time to fix the bugs 
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
bug fixes come before new features 
ross Team
ross Mar 17 '16
We do appreciate your passion and strive to make the software better, however, you're looking at things from the dirrerent angle of a site owner, an individual. The product manager sees overall picture and you need to understand that, he should consider human resources, working hours, testing, salary, overal software progress and many more and all that should be done within a small team and resources of the open source company, which Oxwall is. 

I can't provide you the list, you can take a look at what we are working on in our roadmap.  

tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
the road maps crap and you know it

and because of the idiot project manager oxwall is just about dead

and lets not forget what consumer law states

i told you and den to answer by the end of the week

if theres no answer by then then i want a refund if full for every cent i have spent on plugins

if i get refused a refund again then ACCC will sort it out  

ross Team
ross Mar 17 '16
No need to cite resources on product manager obligations, we know them already. 
ross Team
ross Mar 17 '16
All off-topic comments will be deleted. 
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Mar 17 '16
Hi Ross,

I do agree with Tammy, you had 3 Releases already and what is needed always come last with oxwall. We need :

* Better SEO all round
* Better Forums Plugin and SEO
* Better Mobile version and SEO
* Better Social Media Sharing features and Login and Contacts Import
* Removal of Scammers on the Store and dealing with Developers who don't fix or upate plugins

We have been asking for these since 1.7.3 and still oxwall is not listening always we must use uservoice for suggestions but none of our suggestions seems to be taken serious, these things on the change log should come last.

Its like you have a car that the engine is wrecked and not moving but you're busy buying tires, adding new stereo while the car has no use and you're still paying for vehicle finance to a third party (DEVELOPERS FOR PLUGINS) to use the car which you're aren't benefiting from.

tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
I and many other have been asking for this since 1.5.3
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 17 '16
There would not be to much of a problem if the team dev of advanced seo would fix the problems 

If he would start to address the problems Then we can all move forward