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Deny country IP | Forum

Antonin Jun 18 '12
Can i've a issue to block or deny some country.
I will block Russia country.
I had 2 attemps to hack our website from russia.
We are very afraid...
Thank every body for help

Joseph Jun 19 '12

I don't suggest blocking the country someone may have simply used a proxy that ran through an IP in russia I would suggest using cloud flare they are a service that offers security through dns and I will say they have blocked 1,524,513 bad requests so far

Antonin Jun 21 '12
Thank you @purusothaman.
@joseph: no i'm sure of that it not a proxy.
the user use also .ru for mail. and i look he take to much time on my website.
I'm going to try to block.
Thanks every body for your help