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Forum topics not available on Mobile | Forum

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Apr 15 '16
Hi Oxwallers,

Since i update my Forum i cant seem to open Forum topics on mobile it says "page not available on Mobile, Try Desktop version" it used to work before don't know what is going on. This happens only when i share the links on Facebook but i can access the mobile forum topic fine if i visit the website directly.

My Website is http://www.myvirgo.info and here is an example of mobile version :

1. http://www.myvirgo.info/...ave-her-revenge ;

2. http://za.myvirgo.info/1RXMn0a ;

The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Apr 15 '16
ross Team
ross Apr 15 '16
there's no page forum even in the mobile menu. 

make sure you did not drag the page somewhere to the hidden pages for mobile. 

Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Apr 15 '16
Hi Ross,

I renamed forum to News in my menu and its not hidden....If you go to my menu and click news you will see my forum
ross Team
ross Apr 15 '16
So you go to the forum, from the links you shared on FB via mobile device and they are not available, right? 
The Forum post is edited by ross Apr 15 '16
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Apr 15 '16
Yes...I take my URl for Forum topic, share on Facebook funny thing is it shares or rather show the Opengraph of the Link from the Forum Link / Forum topic once shared when you click the link it says Page not available on Mobile.
The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi Apr 15 '16
ross Team
ross Apr 18 '16
Webster please PM me your FTP access details and Admin website access details, Please disable all 3rd party plugin and codes, you have, so I could check the issue on the default installation, because we cannot reproduce the issue on our demo. 
ross Team
ross Apr 18 '16
But before you do that, do you have any friendly url or some seo plugin on your site, please disable it and try again. If not please send the details
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi May 18 '16
Hi Ross,

It worked i disabled the OxArt SEO and Enabled it again but now on Desktop version it takes you to the right topic on mobile to the wron one (A old different topic)

For example with this link http://za.myvirgo.info/22eTwfF

Which is - http://www.myvirgo.info/forum/topic/50-cent-on-vanity-fair-talks-success-power-floyd-mayweather-chelsea-handler-love-more

But takes them to a different topic on mobile

The Forum post is edited by Webster Molaudi May 18 '16
ross Team
ross May 19 '16
Please disable all third party plugins and javascript you have on your site, check if the issue persists, if it does, pm me your cpanel and admin access details.