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minimum character limit for "about me" | Forum

Lukasz g
Lukasz g Apr 20 '16

hey guys,

Is there a way to set a minimum character limit for the about me text box in a profile? I don't want to put say something about yourself and have someone just leave a "." in the box

dave Leader
dave Apr 20 '16
What i have found is that for those people that usually put "." in that field, if you have a minimum for example 20 then they will just put .................... usually they don't play by the rules no matter what you try, and it may be better to try a few other resolves. 

First, send them a message that states the input is invalid and they must put something responsible in the field.

Second if they ignore you then, edit their profile and put in place of the dot something like this.  "This member has decided not to use the field properly and so the content has been removed".

Third suspend their account until they comply.   

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 20 '16
ross Team
ross Apr 21 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Jordi May 8 '16
This would be great.