So Far:
It appears that a "classes" folder for listeners is now required. You will need to add a "classes" folder and also add your code into a file inside the classes folder called event_handler.php and also wrap that code inside the class name of:
class YOURMODNAME_CLASS_EventHandler
otherwise your listener may not function.
What i found is that my listener would not function until i added the folder and the file and moved my listener code from my plugin init file to the event_handler file inside my new class name.
2. It appears that Oxwall is either making some public classes private or simply changing some paths access points. One part of this i have noticed is with the photo plugin.
My old call changed in two ways since 1.7.5 to 1.8.2 :
old code:
OW::getEventManager()->bind(PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler::EVENT_BEFORE_PHOTO_DELETE, 'listenForPhoto');
PHOTO_CLASS_EventHandler is no longer available as public.
New Code:
OW::getEventManager()->bind('photo.onBeforeDelete', array($this,'listenForPhoto'));
notice that no more is the constant EVENT_BEFORE_PHOTO_DELETE
you will need to refer to the photo event handler file for actual constant values and use those.
notice they added the $this requirement also
This has been my experience..
So far that is all i have...
happy coding :)