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Update 23rd April 2016 [ Translatable unique landing page ] [ plugin included and require ] - oxsoft_theme_pink | Forum

Sprintally® Apr 23 '16
========== update with lots of improvements and bug fix =======


A ] if you already have installed this theme and want to update to latest version - don't update directly the theme from your admin panel it is require a plugin which has attached under theme archive . So download the theme archive file and extract it in your local computer and then extract the plugin and upload the plugin file and install it like all other plugins correct way and then active it then only you can update the theme directly from admin panel or manually .

B ]  For fresh Installation you need to download the theme archive from your download area > then extract the plugin in your computer > upload the plugin archive to your ow_plugins directory > extract it > install it from your available plugin area under oxwall or skadate admin area  >  Then upload the theme archive to ow_themes directory > extract the archive > go to themes area in your oxwall or skadate admin > choose theme > enter valid license key > active it . 

NB : There is a help and guide file attached under theme archive please read it before ask any question .

===== landing page content and graphics control =========

all the contents and graphics can be change from admin area fully described under that help and guide file ! 


====== feel free to cont us for any question ====  [ we provide landing page service for any oxwall theme ] =========

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