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"contact-plugin" don't work! | Forum

Outperformer 3000
Outperformer 3000 Apr 28 '16
All systememails work fine. But the contactplugin don't send any emails to me. It said "email send successfully (or something similar)", but I receive nothing. In settings I put my email.

Any idea? Thanks in advance!
dave Leader
dave Apr 29 '16

Just tested this on my test site and also did not work.  Not sure why yet, but im checking into it. 

Hopefully a team member has some more information on this :)

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Apr 29 '16
If you're referring to the "Contact Us" plugin, I just did a couple of test emails, and both came through. You may want to make sure the email address is correct within the plugin.
The Forum post is edited by Darryl B Apr 29 '16
dave Leader
dave Apr 30 '16
Some email clients will not process the mail if it does not include the reply to address. So i just added the replyto address to the array and tried it, still have not received anything and all the other array elements look good.   So i will have to dig deeper i guess.  Just fyi, i am testing with both an external department email as well as a server email address. 

Also wanted to add that it is using the correct php method and it should work from what i see so far.  Could be an individual hosting issue, i know some hosts do some strange stuff and have some very funky settings at times.  Like my host, they wont let me set the cron to run every minute because they say it uses too many resources so to keep the server flow at a higher rate they restrict it to 1x per hour. If some work and some dont that points to a possible server issue. 

Also it was originally set to use the Queue for he cron but i am testing using direct send because the cron process did not send either.  Which again points to a server issue. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 30 '16
dave Leader
dave Apr 30 '16
ok i found the problem and i did get it to work.  The issue is that some hosting companies in the hope of cutting down spam are now requiring that all internal mails be sent from the server email address and not the outside party address.  If  you need the customers email then you need to add it to the replyto field in the email. 

Here is a quote from my host.

The script appears to be using PHP mail() at the moment. According to the logs, it is currently trying to use an email account associated with a personal email account outside of the domain name in the "From" header. We have a rule enabled on our shared hosting servers that makes sure the header From for the outgoing email actually exists on the server. This is done for security, IP reputation maintenance, and anti-spam reasons. In such cases, to resolve the issue we recommend using an actually existing mailbox (the one that exists in your cPanel, that is) in header "From" to send emails, and if you need to keep the visitors email you just add another header - "Reply-To". Changing your current script's configuration this way should work well for you.

So i change the php values and it works... 

here is my change... 

edit  ow_plugins/contactus/controllers/contact.php

and change the following values.. 

original code... 


change to 


This will make the contact form send it from you to you using the server email, remember you must use an email inside your server such as  customerservice@yoursite.com

Now since you may need the email of the person sending you the email, make the following code addition 

original code

does not exist you need to add this on the next line after the setSender code

new code


now you will have their email, you may have to check the header of the email to get it at times but that is how it is. 

and now your contactus plugin will work. 

Hope this helps. 

Dave :)

ps... remember that it is set to send them when your cron runs, not right away... 

The Forum post is edited by dave Apr 30 '16
dave Leader
dave Apr 30 '16

well it does send but unfortunately the reply to email is not being placed in the email header for some reason. 

Received: from [xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] (port=xxxxxx helo=www.xxxxxx.com)by xxxxxxxxhosting.com with esmtpsa (TLSv1.2:DHE-RSA-xxxxxx-GCM-SHAxxxxxx:256)(Exim 4.86_1)(envelope-from <xxxx@xxxxxxxx.com>)id 1xxxxxx-0031Mp-xxfor xxxxxx@xxxxxxxx.com; Sat, 30 Apr 2016 19:58:08 -0400Date: Sat, 30 Apr 2016 17:58:07 -0600To: xxxx@xxxxxxxx.comFrom: xxxx@xxxxxxxx.comSubject: does this workMessage-ID: <f40680a710c95825dcxxxxxxxxxxx@www.xxxxxxx.com>X-Mailer: PHPMailer 5.2.14 (https://github.com/PHPMailer/PHPMailer)MIME-Version: 1.0Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
does this work check header

so i assume they either have that field turned off in the php mailer or some other core issue with it as it should be passed to the email header unless something has not been set or has been removed from the php mailer core process. 

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Apr 30 '16
Strange. I use Arvixe shared hosting. I use an site email I created in cpanel in the plugin. I sent one with my registered site email, and one with an outside email. both came through to my site email account.
I guess people can say what they will about Arvixe, but I don't seem to have some of the hosting issues that others have encountered. I may have just been lucky.
dave Leader
dave Apr 30 '16
When i had my hosting company and when i used several others previous i had no issues like this either. There are alot of hosting providers out there that Oxwall will run just fine on with no issues, almost as it was made for Oxwall.  

But i believe what happens is that in the competitive bid to get your business some companies along with reduced prices, also trim the fat on server options to keep the servers from lagging. 

But just so you know in my testing  also managed to get one sent to an outside email address however even with hotmail's expended header detail the reply to address was still not listed.  So i checked the mail code and it seems OK, the reply to is there and should work.  So right now i am not sure what the issue is and why the reply to is not showing up in the header detail. 

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Apr 30 '16
True. It does appear to be a server, or hosting issue unless there is a plugin conflict somehow, but the plugin does work with my setup, and hosting. Maybe some others will jump in to give some input, and maybe they had the same issue, and fixed it somehow.
dave Leader
dave May 1 '16
OK so i went back to my host and they did some testing to see why the replyto is not in the header. 

Bottom line is with this rule they have about the from email being internal only, the only way to get around it is to recode the contactus plugin to use SMTP and not php mail(). 

At least that is the last word as we speak.  So yes the email will work now with my changes but you will not know who to contact because that data is not there.  

So if you want to use external email address in the contactus plugin and your server host has this special rule mentioned above, then the contactus plugin needs to have an option for smtp mail and also your host might need to open up a special smtp port for you. 

Sorry i wish i had better news. 

I could do more research to find out what code changes to do if necessary however i need to get my plugin done and i wanted to have it done this weekend if possible.   So i need to focus back on that for now, sorry..   Besides i wanted to wait for a team member reply in case they already have a plan of action on this one.  

The Forum post is edited by dave May 1 '16
Outperformer 3000
Outperformer 3000 May 1 '16
@dave which host is your site?

I correct path in cronjobs-setting (run.php) and now it works. But my host only execute crons 2 times in an hour, so mails come not at once.

But I get a email, when cron starts, with content "". I searched in google, it is a problem with charset. I am from europe and should take UTF8, but I don't know in which file.

dave Leader
dave May 1 '16
i am with namecheap, they had a special for $10 for the whole first year.  So far the only difference i have noticed is just little stuff like this.

Since your cron does not run that often you might think about changing the 'addToQueue' in the file i edited to 'send', it will send right away.

as to the character set deal, i have no clue, sorry :( 

ps.. please explain what you changed again, was it in the run.php file?

The Forum post is edited by dave May 1 '16
dave Leader
dave May 2 '16

Any word on this from the devs ross ;)

ross Team
ross May 10 '16
Please give me some more time on that, I'll get back to you asap. 
dave Leader
dave May 10 '16
Thanks :)
Outperformer 3000
Outperformer 3000 May 10 '16
No, not in the run.php file.

I have to make settings in cpanel to run a cronjob. My path to run.php was wrong.

I was on Arvixe, there was the path:

nice -n19 ionice -c2 -n7 /usr/local/bin/php -f /home/{yoursite}/public_html/ow_cron/run.php

ross Team
ross May 18 '16
Thanks for the patience guys, we have reported the issue to our devs, it will be most probably fixed in 1.8.4 release. 
dave Leader
dave Aug 7 '16
I dont see a new field in the table with 1.8.4 for 'replyto' so im guessing this was not fixed in 1.8.4 

however, Ebenezer has made his contact plugin to handle this 


Thanks big E  ;)

The Forum post is edited by dave Aug 7 '16
ross Team
ross Aug 15 '16
Yes, this is still on our roadmap. 
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