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lost the option to choose account types on join page | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Dale May 10 '16
Hi guys for some unknown reason i have lost the option on the join page for my members to choose their account type, e.g: Male/Female.

it is there under edit profile, but i would prefer it to be on the join page so they have to choose one at sign up.

Any ideas?

thanks in advance for replies.

dave Leader
dave May 10 '16
Did you set your account type itself to male and female, im trying to understand you correctly.  So instead of free and paid account type, you did a male and female account type, is that correct.  If so you will only see the option if both actually exist i believe. There has to be more than one for it to show. 

If you are talking about the option on the form for male and female then you will need to go into the admin area and edit the profile questions there to make sure it shows up. 

ross Team
ross May 10 '16
Dave +1

Dale, do you have 2 account types created in the Profile questions section? 

Dale May 11 '16
Hi guys,

I have 4 account types set up.

All have profile questions assigned so if you choose one of the profile types it shows a different profile question set.

When you go to edit a users profile the option to choose your profile type is there.

But I want to add it back to the sign up page so they get the right profile questions when signing up.

I hope that makes some sort of sense

dave Leader
dave May 11 '16
as long as everything is good in the users/profile questions section under properties and account types and you have registration turned on and you have at least two different account types it should show on the registration form automatically. 

What is your site url and what theme are you using please?

Dale May 12 '16
Hi dave,

thanks for your reply.

the site URL is https://kneelb4.me and the theme is sweetdate

Hope this helps

dave Leader
dave May 12 '16
If it was there before and now gone, that means something has changed.  So open your console up you have some errors.. 

call to insecure script for one thing   http://w.sharethis.com/button/buttons.js

and other errors.  

Try turning off the plugin and see if it comes back. If sharethis is a plugin deactivate it.

do you know how to bring the console, if not ill show you?

Also a web developer tip on the side.. you might consider adding the logo or web code for this site, it will help you gain traffic.   http://www.rtalabel.org/

The Forum post is edited by dave May 12 '16
ross Team
ross May 12 '16
Dale, can you please provide screenshot of this page: admin/users/profile-questions
Dale May 16 '16
Here ya go

ross Team
ross May 16 '16
Dale, you have 3rd party theme enabled on your site, please switch to the default one like Origin or Simplicity and see whether you have account types there. 
Dale May 17 '16
Hi Ross,

I contacted the 3rd party theme designer and he came and had a look and has done an update to the theme and fixed a few other things he spotted also. Thanks so much for your time on this. It should be fixed within a couple of days now.



dave Leader
dave May 17 '16
Great thanks for letting us know :) 
ross Team
ross May 17 '16
So I believe it was a bug in the theme, thanks for letting us know. 
Dale May 18 '16
Hi guys,

Yes it was a bug with the theme.

Also he has fixed a bug with the js and uploading photos to the forums.

He has released a new update for the theme with a lot of fixes.

Thanks again
