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Oxwall Site to Rocket Chat Bridge | Forum

Dale May 17 '16
Hi guys,

I'm looking for a Developer who is able to make a plugin for me.

What I am after is a bridge between my oxwall site and rocket chat that link up the chat users profile on chat with their profile on the oxwall site. It would also be nice to enable user to do a single registration on my oxwall site and it automatically registers then to my rocket chat site as well if that can be done.

If you're able to do this for me please get in touch so we can discuss it further.

Abbey Jul 9 '16
Try talking to the chat software developer, you may have more luck
dave Leader
dave Jul 11 '16
Does this have to be rocket chat or are you looking for an integrated chat for your site.  If you are well established on rocket chat and have many users then i would understand the need to have a bridge. However if you are just looking for a integrated chat for your site then the solution may be much simpler.
Dale Jul 15 '16
im looking for an integrated chat.

dave Leader
dave Jul 15 '16
OK give me alittle time and i will see what i can come up with.  :)