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update database for plugin redirect loop | Forum

JoshWho May 19 '16
Ok I seen there was a update for the plugin Who's Viewed me so I went ahead and did it then it said that the database had to be updated and so i clicked ok and now it is stuck in a redirect loop.    https://www.buddylist.co/..._uri=admin%2Fplugins

Before I go and start deleting the plugin and the table for it I would like to know if that would fix this problem first.

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho May 19 '16
ross Team
ross May 19 '16
Josh, contact plugin developer, we do not provide assistance with 3rd party plugins issues. 
JoshWho May 19 '16
i deleted the plugin and the database and it is stuck in redirect loop. Is there a xml file or somthing I have to edit that tells it to do that?
JoshWho May 19 '16
it shows this on a index when i refresh sometimes   admin+no_plugins_for_manual_updates
JoshWho May 19 '16
Im not understanding how the core is dependent on something that is no longer there there is no fail safe on it?
ross Team
ross May 19 '16
Josh, I don't see anything like that on your index page, and I refresh the page like thousand times. 
JoshWho May 19 '16
JoshWho May 19 '16
 that is what debug shows
ross Team
ross May 19 '16
Yes, that shows you have left overs of the ocs guests plugin, contact plugin developer to resolve your issue. 
JoshWho May 19 '16
I contacted him but no clue how long the reply will take. I will probably figure it out before hand. 

im looking at the autoload and line 110 does not include ocsguest anywhere 

The Forum post is edited by JoshWho May 19 '16
ross Team
ross May 19 '16
check this post: https://developers.oxwall.com/...m/topic/25766?page=1

you need to do the same for this plugin's widget

JoshWho May 19 '16
i just hacked it. All i did was create a fake table replicating it then the system thought it was there again and I was able to uninstall it. All good now.   There should be a fail-safe for that like word-press has. WordPress detects the file is missing and automatically disables it from the core.
dave Leader
dave May 19 '16

Josh, yeah devs are suppose to include special instructions in their deactivate file and uninstall file if they have widgets or anything special that needs to be removed.  The core will do the basic removal (ie tables and userfiles dir and such) but anything special like a widget is up to the dev to add those instructions. 

JoshWho May 20 '16
Sounds like a good reason to re code how widgets are handled. 3rd party plugins should not be able to modify core features. If a plugin can do that then what can a sql injection do?
The Forum post is edited by JoshWho May 21 '16
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