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should be free - Likes To Rate Notification | Forum

Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye May 20 '16


plug-ins can make a small gain paid

So if everyone realized how sales demos think so.

Please let's not selling small add-ons.

I like the other add-ons.

This plug-in is Good ideas.

Everything should be money problems.

Anitaku May 20 '16
It's only $7 mate. Stop complaining about a few dollars and just be appreciative of the effort involved. :) 

This is a helpful plug in for many members here. It's been discussed as a plug in idea for a while. I'm just glad they aren't charging a fortune like skalfa does. 

Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye May 21 '16

Oxwall advantage over new entrants

the majority of developers

Free plug-ins

if everyone did Charged

E ozaman this is not an open source publication

It means a developer market

support the idea of where the team Oxwall

According to the plugin stops telling

simple add-ons should be free

Making uninformed developers selling a toll on plugin development

He can not help when you need help.

Attachment I agree that it is nice

but ultimately a small plug

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