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T_STRING error on fresh install | Forum

Michael May 21 '16
New to OxWall and wanted to do a fresh install today. The install went fine but at the point that I added the plugins as the last step and clicked continue I got:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /home1/mysite/public_html/testdir/ow_core/developer_tools.php on line 376

I checked that Hostgator meets all requirements, but it's possible I missed one?

dave Leader
dave May 21 '16
what is your php version and also what plugin did you activate when this happened?

if you know please let me know so i can test it if i can. 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 21 '16
dave Leader
dave May 21 '16
Actually that might be a bug, there are several places in that section and i believe for example that it has to be wrapped with single quotes. 

          if ( is_subclass_of($class, 'OW_MasterPage::class' ) )

or they need to do this

$masterclass = 'OW_MasterPage::class';

      if ( is_subclass_of($class, $masterclass ) )

im not a class pro so i could be wrong but i was just looking at the manual is all 


Also that is a new file that did not exist in 1.8.2 so it could be a bug. 

The Forum post is edited by dave May 21 '16
dave Leader
dave May 21 '16
I am thinking that it could be one of his plugins that is using the file unlike the rest of us that may not have that plugin. This is why i wanted to know what plugin he was activating when this happened. That way i can force the issue and see if it happens to me as well and find a solution. 

Not sure what the file is for exactly, seems to be some kind of utility for the dev tools.

Ross will need to help us on this one as i dont know. 

ross Team
ross May 23 '16
Most people think they have correct php version, which is stated in their cpanels

in order to be 100% sure please do the following: 

1. go to your ow_includes/config.php file

2. after <php paste phpinfo(); and save your changes

3. go to your site and check you php version at the top of the phpinfo page. 

ross Team
ross May 23 '16

Quote from dave Actually that might be a bug, there are several places in that section and i believe for example that it has to be wrapped with single quotes. 

          if ( is_subclass_of($class, 'OW_MasterPage::class' ) )

or they need to do this

$masterclass = 'OW_MasterPage::class';

      if ( is_subclass_of($class, $masterclass ) )

im not a class pro so i could be wrong but i was just looking at the manual is all 


Also that is a new file that did not exist in 1.8.2 so it could be a bug. 

Dave ther's no bracket on 376 line
 if ( is_subclass_of($class, OW_MasterPage::class) )

this is the proper syntax

The Forum post is edited by ross May 23 '16
dave Leader
dave May 23 '16
ok thanks ross :)