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Error while updating. | Forum

Ryan May 25 '16

I just tried to update my platform to the latest and I received the following error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'class' (T_CLASS), expecting identifier (T_STRING) or variable (T_VARIABLE) or '{' or '$' in /home2/violetleaf/public_html/social/ow_core/developer_tools.php on line 376

Can anyone tell me what went wrong?

dave Leader
dave May 25 '16
What is your php version Ryan, you should not have php 5.5 as the minimum 

see here, https://developers.oxwall.com/forum/topic/47636

if you get an error please try searching for it in the forum or part of it as others may have the same thing, it will help to keep you from waiting for an answer :)

The Forum post is edited by dave May 25 '16
dave Leader
dave May 25 '16
Team i wonder if we should put up a sticky about this error and the solution since there seems to be quite a few asking. 
Ulises Aguilera
Ulises Aguilera Jun 2 '16
My hosting provider upgrade PHP to 5.6.
They told me that the version is not the problem.

So, please I need more help about to upgrade oxwall to 1.8.3 without
have the risk of failure.

They say this:

The PHP version is not the cause of the issue here as I have now upgraded the PHP version to 5.6 and this is the error log which is being outputted now:

> PHP Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'OW_MasterPage' (T_STRING) in /home/mejico/public_html/mejico.com.mx/ow_core/developer_tools.php on line 376

Could you please help me?

Thanks as always.
The Forum post is edited by Ulises Aguilera Jun 2 '16
dave Leader
dave Jun 3 '16
Oxwall runs fine on php 5.5

is intermittent on php 5.6

and untested on php 7

you are running php 5.6 which i believe is the issue.  You need to be on php 5.5.  Who is your host please. 

also let me ask have you added any pages to your site recently.  Have you turned off all third party plugins to see if the error still occurs.  

also make sure you do not have dev mode and debug mode on at the same time. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 3 '16
Ulises Aguilera
Ulises Aguilera Jun 3 '16
Hi Dave.
I think my provider sets the hsoting on PHP5.6
But it was on 5.5 so, the version 5.5 or 5.6
doesn´t look to be the problem. (I think, not very sure)

My hosting is Fast Comet, and until now I´m very happy with this service.

I havn´t added any page recently.

I havn´t turned off all third party plugins. Perhaps there is the issue.

I almost be sure that I don´t have problem with the debug mode.

Thaks for all teh time, service and help.
ross Team
ross Jun 6 '16
Ulises, check you php version via phpinfo. as most hosting providers not telling truth about their php version. I'm more than sure, you don't have correct php version. 
Ryan Jun 6 '16
I asked my hosting company to change my PHP version to 5.5 and then it worked perfectly.  I use hostgator...
dave Leader
dave Jun 6 '16
Thanks so much Ryan for sharing that information..  You know at first i thought this said "error while dating"  and i thought "your doing it wrong" lmao  
Ryan Jun 7 '16
Yes, if only I could find a forum that could help me program those things. ...or at least understand them. :-/