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Update to 1.8.3 - 404 error After Updating to PHP 5.5 | Forum

B.I. Jun 6 '16
So I originally Had the white screen error and now have updated to PHP 5.5. I am no longer experiencing the white screen BUT I am now getting a 404 error whenever I visit my website.

Do you possibly have any solutions for this error?
ross Team
ross Jun 6 '16
Share your url 

Have you cleared your browser cache or tried another browser to visit your site?

B.I. Jun 6 '16
https://bellyin.com/ It tries to load then Errors at splash screen on Chrome and just completely errors on Firefox.
ross Team
ross Jun 6 '16
Neither of the pages work. all of them lead to 404

Make sure you have mod_rewrite enabled on your server. 

Make sure you have default .htaccess file in the root of the software, and that it has default content. 

B.I. Jun 6 '16
I fixed it! I looked into my Cpanel and found that when My ISP added the option for me to update my PHP versions (5.1 up to 5.6) It created a new .htaccess file and erased all of the Oxwall code lines. I've fixed it and coded in the new line to allow use of PHP 5.5 an am back up and running.

Thank you for the help Ross!
ross Team
ross Jun 6 '16
Great, thanks for letting us know.