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Invitation notification stuck! | Forum

Marcus Jun 8 '16
Have 1 invitations notifications when I click on it says no items! Won't go away!

I see I was invited to a group! How come it says no items!

Opps the language key was empty! However how come when I click ignore it just keeps on showing until I accept really annoying!
The Forum post is edited by Marcus Jun 8 '16
  8-6-2016 14.6.48 1.jpg (4Kb)
  8-6-2016 14.6.7 2.jpg (6Kb)
ross Team
ross Jun 9 '16
Can you please go to that group and see if you're a member of it already?
Marcus Jun 9 '16
Ross baby if I was invited to some group and I click ignore invitation the notification should not keep on popping! The only way to get rid of it is to click join!
ross Team
ross Jun 10 '16
Can you pm me your admin website access details, cpanel access details and access details of the user who has invitation. 
Marcus Jun 10 '16
Sorry my love ain't feeling comfy sharing this info! But gonna try on demo later!