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User Roles Bug | Forum

John Jun 27 '12
I put up a small site which is going to be a photo type site. I have removed the check boxes so that users cannot see (enlarge) photos unless they will be a paid member. When I logged off to test the photos (as a guest) I WAS able to enlarge photos even though free users and guests are not supposed to be able to see photos enlarged.

I checked everything and all seems to be set properly but photos can still be used by everyone in spite of the site being set to not allow users to see photos.

Any idea what is wrong here?

Thank you.
Johnny Jarrell
Johnny Jarrell Jun 27 '12
Worked correctly on my site. A guest can see the previews in the photo widget on the main page...but receives a permissions screen stating they do not have access to view the photos if they right-click on the preview or click on the photos tab. I just unchecked View Photo for guest.
John Jun 27 '12
I have my View Photo unchecked for guest. Photos can still be enlarged.
Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 1 '12
Share your site URL and PM me your Admin Area access details. I am pretty sure that you missed some of the checkboxes. Double check the settings and permissions.