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Messenger Not Replying | Forum

Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn Jun 18 '16
I'm running several sites with the Minimalist theme and the last update effected the messenger reply function.

when you get a message the reply field is visible but as soon as you click in the field to reply it disappears leaving only the send button....your not able to type a reply and when you click send it responds with "you need to type a value in the field"

Anyone having this issue or know how to fix this bug???


ross Team
ross Jun 19 '16
Does this issue occur on the default theme as well Alex? 
Alex Thorn
Alex Thorn May 27 '19
yes for no apparent reason it you cant reply

AppXprt May 27 '19
Possibly an issue with the event handler in whatever you installed when it quit working... 

A broken event handler in a plugin will break event's for other plugins too if it ties into the same hooks...

For instance a well made Push Notifications plugin must tie into the event handler for sending messages...

If you have a bug in the event handler of your push notifications plugin, it will break messaging, because it is hooked into the same event handler.

The Forum post is edited by AppXprt May 28 '19