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Add New Language (Language Pack) fails with HTTP 500 | Forum

Unus Jun 23 '16

I created a new language pack, I have translated a few modules, archived them in a zip, I created a language.xml inside the zip and uploaded it;

I uploaded in the panel which says

Add New Language (Language Pack)

Here you can upload the file that contains a language for one plugin ( .XML file) or several languages for plugins (.ZIP file).

it uploaded successfully, I can see the file name listed right before +ADD button;

then I press +ADD button and I can see my language listed and all the modules listed that I translated; I select all of them and click "IMPORT SELECTED" and right after this I get HTTP 500 error. it happens if I select any number of translated modules.

how can I troubleshoot this?

thank you


The Forum post is edited by Unus Jun 23 '16
Unus Jun 23 '16
I figured it out

the xml files for each module had the language tag inside of them wrong.

I fixed it and I was able to move forward.

dave Leader
dave Jun 23 '16
thanks for letting us know