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Advanced Comments | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
David Jun 24 '16
What does it mean when a plugin is suspended?  I purchased Advanced Comments plugin a while ago... and now when i try to access it or find it here... it says "Item has been suspended".  Since i bought it... I would like to know why. 
dave Leader
dave Jun 25 '16
I believe it means that due to customer complaints regarding the plugin that Oxwall has suspended the plugin in the system. 

Den will need to confirm this but i assume if a plugin developer just removed a plugin from the store it would just show page not found and not suspended. 

David Jun 25 '16
Great.   I paid for it and now there will be no further updates for it.  Crap happens, I guess.
dave Leader
dave Jun 25 '16
If it has been recent you can get paypal to help you try to regain your money.  
David Jun 25 '16
nahh... it was towards the end of last year.  It's okay.  You live, you learn.  I guess I'll never get tech support for it.... not that he ever answered me when I asked for tech support... he ignored every attempt.