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Concerning Comment Editor | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Steve Jun 27 '16
I was wondering if the comment editor worked with original posts or just when people comment on a post.

I did try to go to the demo site to check it out but when I tried to sign up in order to check it out the mailer keeps kicking up and error so I don't get the email to confirm my email address. Below is the error.

OW Debug - ExceptionMessage:Could not instantiate mail function.File:/home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_libraries/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.phpLine:1451Trace:#0 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_libraries/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php(1323): PHPMailer->mailSend('Date: Mon, 27 J...', 'This is a multi...') #1 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_libraries/vendor/phpmailer/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php(1201): PHPMailer->postSend() #2 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/mail_service.php(272): PHPMailer->send() #3 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_core/mailer.php(97): BOL_MailService->send(Object(BASE_CLASS_Mail)) #4 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/email_verify_service.php(230): OW_Mailer->send(Object(BASE_CLASS_Mail)) #5 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_system_plugins/base/bol/email_verify_service.php(258): BOL_EmailVerifyService->sendVerificationMail('user', Array) #6 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/email_verify.php(110): BOL_EmailVerifyService->sendUserVerificationMail(Object(BOL_User)) #7 [internal function]: BASE_CTRL_EmailVerify->index(Array) #8 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_core/request_handler.php(276): ReflectionMethod->invokeArgs(Object(BASE_CTRL_EmailVerify), Array) #9 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_core/request_handler.php(252): OW_RequestHandler->processControllerAction(Object(ReflectionMethod), Object(BASE_CTRL_EmailVerify)) #10 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/ow_core/application.php(364): OW_RequestHandler->dispatch() #11 /home/ubuntu/sites/demo/index.php(76): OW_Application->handleRequest() #12 {main}Type:phpmailerException

dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
looks like either they have turned off the mail process on the demo for spam issues or the mail server is offline.  

are you refering to the oxwall demo or your demo.  

also which comment editor are you referring to, is this a plugin your talking about. 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 27 '16
Steve Jun 27 '16
It is from this site demo.ox-soft.net when I tried to join the site after putting in all of my info I got this screen and then when I clicked on send it would kick up that error above

Please confirm your email address.
Click "Send" button to receive a letter with the confirmation code to your email address.

If you don't receive email please add admin@oxplugins.net to your whitelist/address book/contact list.

dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
I have never seen that before and i dont know if that is a valid oxwall demo site or not, but here is one that is valid  https://www.oxwall.com/demo

dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
the only thing i can think of is that maybe that might be a demo for the amazon AWS setup to test oxwall on AWS but again i have never seen that before. 
Steve Jun 27 '16
The only thing I wanted to checkout was if the comment editor worked on the posts and comments both or just the comments.
dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
ok please be more specific, can you show me a screen shot or explain exactly where your talking about and i can test it for you.  ie  Comments where, on the main page, forum, where ??
Steve Jun 27 '16
In the oxwall store there is a new comment editor that was just released


The Forum post is edited by Steve Jun 27 '16
dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
OK now i understand, well that you will need to ask the developer directly.  You can post a request on the plugin page and start a conversation there if you like.   I am sorry i wish i had a better answer. 
Steve Jun 27 '16
No problem the plugin does deal with an issue that should have been in the core of the program from the beginning...It is human nature to make mistakes and what I find funny though is in the Blog and forum sections you can edit if you make a mistake.  
dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
This is one reason why i do not agree with developers of the core or employees of the company offering plugins for sale in the store, because i feel it creates a conflict of interest. So now if they fix that issue in the core a employee of the company no longer can sell their plugin and it gives an incentive to not add it to the core.   

But then again Oxwall is a software which is pretty much build on plugins.    I dont have an issue with them selling themes because its not a direct conflict but i do have issue with them selling plugins.  But then again its not my company, i just volunteer here lol.. 

Maybe one day it will be added.   

The Forum post is edited by dave Jun 27 '16
Steve Jun 27 '16
If I would have been smart back in 1986 when I started playing with computers and learned how to repair and build them...I should have also gotten into the programming aspect of it also I do understand and know a little php and mysql and mssql but I have yet to actually sit down and teach myself the rest that is involved. 
dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
If i would have been smart i would have invested in Microsoft when it was pennies per share lol... My kids give me hell over that all the time.  DAD you were around before the internet and you did not invest in it or MS at all...  "no son i didnt" oh well... 
Steve Jun 27 '16
I feel sorry for the poor guy that Bill Gates bought the original program from for only $2500.00. Then Bill Gates inserted MS-DOS into it and presented to IBM.
dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
I still remember watching the today show on NBC when Katie Couric was talking about this new thing called Email lol 
dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
Me too.. i bet he kicked himself over and over again. poor guy.. 
Steve Jun 27 '16
I can remember when I had a 38600 baud modem and it would take hours too download something that only takes 5 minutes to download now

dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
I kept an old IBM with win3 on it up until about 8 years ago, still loved playing the old DOS games.  But i had to toss it all in the dumpster when i moved one time, no room for it.  Oh the old days of DOS floppy disks and dialup lol... 
Steve Jun 27 '16
Remember the old 8" Floppy disks then 5 1/4 then 3 1/2...Now it is flash drives

 No such thing as plug n play motherboards either jumper pins and dip switches

dave Leader
dave Jun 27 '16
yes i remember those, if the 5 1/4 did not work when you put it in, you took it out and turned it by hand then tried it again lol.... 
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