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I need a dynamic site emergency | Forum

Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16

I installed a plugin and as a result

I get a 500 error bug

I tried writing all operations

I do not solve the problem

I learned a new plugin that belongs to another platform


I added my friend regardless of when the plug

the publisher of the add-oxdat

I added as Oxwall

I installed a plugin and as a result

I get a 500 error bug

I tried writing all operations

I do not solve the problem

I learned that of the other add-ons birplatf

Abbey Jun 28 '16
You can deactivate the plugin in phpmyadmin
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16

puligin -complete database has been deleted

dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16

look to see if there are any special instructions in the uninstall or deactivate folder of the plugin, if those are empty then just... 

delete the plugin folder from ow_plugins

delete the plugin folder also in ow_static/plugins

delete any files for the plugin in ow_userfiles/plugins

delete the row for the plugin in ow_base_plugin table

and that should do it... 

however if there are special instructions in the uninstall and deactivate folders of the plugin then post them here.  

Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16
delete the row for the plugin in ow_base_plugin table


dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
on cpanel scroll to the bottom and look for the icon that says phpMyAdmin and go to your database

then go to the ow_base_plugin table and find the row for the plugin name and delete it

Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16


It does not look clean Bulis

but the problem continues

dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
turn on your debug mode and check your ow_log folder and tell me if there are any errors that show 
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16

registration list shows the oldest log

No error related to a line 500

This issue occurred after oxdat plugin

dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
clear out your error log in ow_log, just copy paste and del and resave.. .that way any new errors we will know...

do you have a backup... 

dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
also go to admin pages and make sure that the main page is in the first spot
dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
also if you have a backup replace your config file and your htaccess file from a recent backup, dont use an old backup..  but save those files first under a dif name
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16

website files replacement of old

MySQL data tables new

log How to remove content

What should be changed in the folder .htaccess

Home directory .htaccess?

The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16
dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
in log you just open the log using the edit feature in file manager copy all, del, then save the log. 

they could have corrupted your htaccess or your config file.   

no they oxwall htaccess   

how old is the backup for the files?  two weeks? how long 

dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
and have you updated anything since you last backed up your files?
dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
i just looked at your site, it shows for me, no 500 error
dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
i am on main page, where you see 500 ?
Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16

a few months old backup

I bought a lot in this time and I completed the installation of add-ons

the site does not respond

500 error page splash screen

I think all my work was rubbish


dave Leader
dave Jun 28 '16
see pic, no 500 for me

do i have the right url?

try clear your cache?

Oxwall Türkiye
Oxwall Türkiye Jun 28 '16

I did the editing error log

old logs are deleted entirely

but again, I do try to empty the report still empty

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