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Run.php permissions | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Emil Jul 8 '16
Hello, I had some problems with my cron job, after changing permissions of the run.php file in "ow_cron" folder it runs fine. But is is safe for this file to be with permission 777. What is the recommended permission of the folder and file?


dave Leader
dave Jul 8 '16
it should be 755 if you make it 777 then anyone can write to the file and put malicious code in there and ruin your site, change it back to 755 please 
dave Leader
dave Jul 8 '16
the file has to be 644 and the folder 755 
ross Team
ross Jul 11 '16

Quote from dave
the file has to be 644 and the folder 755 
Dave +1

Why do you change it's original 644 permissions? What is the exact issue you have?