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Oxwall 1.8.0 video proplem | Forum

Bob (Coder Whacker)
view videos

Fatal error
: Call to undefined method BOL_ContentService::getQueryFilter() in /home/philippinesrocks/public_html/ow_plugins/video/bol/clip_dao.php on line 234

add video

forbidden 403

The app is the latest build
The Forum post is edited by Bob (Coder Whacker) Jul 8 '16
Bob (Coder Whacker)
/home/philippinesrocks/public_html/ow_plugins/video/bol/clip_dao.php on line 234

 234  $queryParts = BOL_ContentService::getInstance()->getQueryFilter(array(

What do I need to change on this line please

Bob (Coder Whacker)
webbrowse firefox 47,0,1 windows 10
Bob (Coder Whacker)
wheres BOL_ContentService
dave Leader
dave Jul 9 '16
bol comment service is in the ow system plugins base bol 
Bob (Coder Whacker)
well one of these files has an error in then more than likely its in the clip_dao.php on line 234 has the wrong call
As the allowed video sites are not being checked  
The Forum post is edited by Bob (Coder Whacker) Jul 9 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 9 '16
when did this start happening, after adding a plugin ?

have you checked your file permissions?

Bob (Coder Whacker)
I have no problem with file permission this was a softaculous installation on cpanel, 1.8.0 oxwall. No plugins where installed before this problem. I have in fact done some backward engineering by un installing plugins and the problem still exists.
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Then if you think its a plugin  problem what plugins cause such a problem?
bobbi Jul 9 '16
just throwing a thought in here, seeing you have a 403 forbidden error, is mod security enabled on your server
Bob (Coder Whacker)
look what I am doing is important to me and I know in the end I am going to have to pay for support. I want a stable oxwall platform and I know you guys make these problems. I have customers that want stable platforms. So what does support cost and how do I pay?

I also have a problem with forums

Can not create and save forum topics.


Forum latest update running on Oxwall 1.8.0


creating a discussion message


 Fatal error: Class 'InArrayValidator' not found in /home/philippinesrocks/public_html/ow_plugins/forum/classes/topic_add_form.php on line 127


Forum page


same report


Fatal error: Class 'InArrayValidator' not found in /home/philippinesrocks/public_html/ow_plugins/forum/classes/topic_add_form.php on line 127


line 127

groupField->addValidator(new InArrayValidator($groupIds));

I need show my customers a stable Oxwall system.

Bob (Coder Whacker)
How the hell can developers sell your product and services when you do not have a stable platform?
Bob (Coder Whacker)

Quote from bobbi just throwing a thought in here, seeing you have a 403 forbidden error, is mod security enabled on your server

Basically the faults are caused by the software installations I don't think the webmarkster servers at fault it and the plugins erver has a problem its oxwall installations has a problem or maybe softaculous. Look I have installed oxwall many times and the plugins always cause a problem this has been going on for many years. Of course Mod security enabled the web master has years of experience of oxwall
The Forum post is edited by Bob (Coder Whacker) Jul 9 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 9 '16
you say you want a stable platform but  you do an autoinstall, that does not make sense. If you want a stable install then download the software and install it. Auto installs are known for issues.  Also 1.8.0 is an old version the new version is 1.8.3 and requires php 5.5
dave Leader
dave Jul 9 '16
also remember we are volunteers so dont yell or i will just go away.. 
dave Leader
dave Jul 9 '16
mod security needs to either be configured correctly or be turned off 
Bob (Coder Whacker)
thanks looks like I will have to figure it out myself or buy support I can not afford the time of being played around. best pay the US$ 249 if I can not find an answer myself with in a week. If I find the answers I will post them here.   
dave Leader
dave Jul 9 '16
Is there a reason that you want to stay with 1.8.0 version?
dave Leader
dave Jul 10 '16
shhhhhh franz its a secret lmao  :)
Bob (Coder Whacker)
Bob (Coder Whacker) Jul 10 '16
I  have solved the forum problem by dong a fresh upload of ox-wall.1.8.0 and not upgrading the plugins. I now need an old update of the video plug in the one two updates back. I know this solves the video problem on oxwall 1,8,0. I have a copy some where. 
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