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can't find the help i need logging in | Forum

Kurt Jul 2 '12
Problem: Did the 1.4.0 update because 1.3.2 never worked well for me. Newsfeed was messed up etc. Got really excited abut the new version and updated. All seems to work well even the newsfeed. Now I have a custom page as my landing page and when I try to log in from that page it says 404, sorry page does not exist. Usually you would sign in and then be redirected to the dashboard. Now if I try to log in a second time the same thing happens, 404, sorry page does not exist, BUT the authentication access went through. I need help as to where this error could be and  which file. I do not want to change the set up of my site, I want the problem resolved. My oxwall site http://members.0-60sportcars.com

Can't find a specific answer to my problem anywhere, any help is appreciated..Thanks

Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 6 '12
Is there any custom JS code added to your custom landing page?