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Manually setting payment to delivered? - Paid Membership | Forum

Warren Jul 20 '16
I have one user who after paying through the paypal billing plugin does not get updated to paid member (I refunded and he tried again with the same result).

I went into the MySQL database and changed his status from prepared to delivered and added the PayPal transaction ID associated with his payment. Everything is now displaying correctly under the admin finance page and his profile. 

Is that all I need to do or is this going to cause an unforeseen issue down the line?


Skalfa LLC Partner
Skalfa LLC Jul 21 '16

Warren, you should also, make sure that a member got their membership. To do so, go to user's profile page, move mouse cursor over the 'Moderation' button and click the 'Edit Membership' button. If this user still has free membership, you can easily assign a purchased membership for a certain period from this interface.

If a membership got the membership after your changes in the database, so then, everything should work with no issues.

Warren Jul 21 '16
Great thanks, I had already added them via the ow_membership_user table in the database and set them to recurring and matched the expiration stamp to a month from when they paid and all is looking good so far.
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