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504 gateway timeout when trying to upgrade | Forum

Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16

I tried to upgrade to 1.8.4 yesterday, tried all night and have now given up since I can't keep my users waiting any longer.

I put the site in maintenance mode. Disabled all third party plugins, but DEBUG_MODE to true and tried to upgrade in Safari, Chrome, Firefox and Opera for Mac. Every time I got the 504 Gateway timeout. 

I got in contact with my host, put the max_execution_time up a few times until up to 1600 with every single plugin disabled (their recommendation), but still getting the 504 Gateway timeout. 

PHP version 5.3.26, MySQL version 5.6.28-76.1

The host said there was high traffic towards the site and that could cause a problem, but at the time they checked I had just put the site back from maintenance mode and had a couple of users on it. Which would still not cause such heavy traffic I guess?

Is there anything else that could cause this error to persist no matter what I do? 

Grateful for any help or tips, will probably try to upgrade again tonight (about 12 hours from now).



dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
Molly, starting with oxwall 1.8.3 you must have php 5.5 minimum, upgrade your php to 5.5 and should be ok.  Also check the version using phpinfo() only.  If you dont have the option to do this on your panel then contact your host... WOW! PHP 5.3 really... that is sooo old, what version of oxwall were you running before the update?
The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 31 '16
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
Hi Dave,

I was actually running 1.8.3, and I'm quite sure that the PHP version was correct at some point since it's been working fine for the past month, which is how long I've had it. 

I've upgraded to 5.6 today and will attempt the upgrade again in about an hour or so. It's strange, in my cPanel it still says 5.3, but in version manager it's 5.6. We'll let's see how it goes this time!

dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
Thats why we say always check it with phpinfo()   do you know how to use phpinfo() if not ill help you
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
No, I don't know, I'm quite a noob when it comes to PHP. I'll take all the help I can get!
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
Now I get an internal 500 error instead..
dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
first the 500, check your error log in ow_log and see if anything is in there, if there is a bunch of stuff then just right click select all delete and save it, then refresh your site and then check it again and let me know if anything is in there. 
dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
now for the phpinfo... 

using the filemanage or the legacy file manger if your using cpanel, create a file in your public_html  and name it something youll remember .php   for example 

checkthisinfo.php   (pick another name)  you dont want people watching this post to look at your phpinfo. 

once you have the file created  whatever.php  then edit it and inside the file put this 



then save it, then run that file in your browser,  www.example.com/whatever.php

and look at the php version under Core (its alphabetical)  

if your oxwall is public_html then youll  have to do it differently 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 31 '16
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
I deleted the bunch of stuff, tried again, got the internal 500 again and the error log is empty now. 
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
I have the installation on a subdomain, I tried to put the file in both the subdomain and the public_html, but I get this error:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected 'phpinfo' (T_STRING) in /home/highsoc2/public_html/xxxxx.php on line 3

I guess I'm doing something wrong here..

Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
Tried to put the closer in the code too, ?>, same error. 

When trying to put them in a single line, as such: <?php phpinfo(); ?> I get a different error. (This one I created in the subdomain folder)

Fatal error: Call to undefined function php phpinfo() in xxxx on line 1

dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
no the code is 





dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
and if your oxwall is in a sub domain then thats good put the file in the public html,  the reason is that oxwall does not like files it does not know and usually kicks an error unless you add the new file to the htaccess so yes put it in the public html and it will work 

you dont need the closing tag for php if everything in a php file is php.. so you dont need 


Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
I got the code working, and the version is 5.6.7.

dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
ok thanks, remember to delete the file you dont want someone sniffing your dir and looking at that data  
The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 31 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
or if you want to keep it then just give it a permission that no one can access like 600, then you can change it back when you want to use it next time. up to you 

let me do some looking here and see what i can find 

The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 31 '16
dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16

also here is an info page from another site, it will give you some insights as to what is happening (or not happening) 


The Forum post is edited by dave Jul 31 '16
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
I've seen that one, and I'm on a Cloud VPS with good internet. But I'm guessing it's a problem for my host, I've contacted them to see what they can do about it.
dave Leader
dave Jul 31 '16
Yeah it can effect you on a vps too, all a vps is in very simple terms is a partition of a dedi (dedicated) server, they just set it up as a segment is all, and there can be tons of vps's on one ded server so you can still get lag time if something is running on the mainserver which effects all vps's on that server. 
Molly J Bergström
Molly J Bergström Jul 31 '16
Hi again Dave,

I fixed some stuff and now I get this error: 

Fatal error: Class 'Smarty' not found in xxxx on line 35.

It looks like this in the file:

class OW_Smarty extends Smarty{*this is line 35
    public function __construct()    {        parent::__construct();

Do you know anything about this? 

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