if ( !OW::getUser()->isAuthenticated() )
OW::getFeedback()->error($language->text('base', 'special_message_user'));
what this does is it shows that bar on the screen to give the user a message.
error is a red bar
info is a green bar
warning is a orange bar
base is where you created the language, if its somewhere else then put that instead
special_message_user is the name of your lang key use underscores to make it more readable, you can call it whatever you want just dont make it too long
return keeps them out of the page
you can replace the return with a redirect if you know the page you want to send them too instead.
in that case replace the return with this
$this->redirect(OW::getRouter()->urlForRoute('THE PAGE NAME.index'));
THE PAGE NAME is the name of the page that is created in the init file route for the page you want to send them to, so you would need to check a init file for base to get that page name or find an example somewhere and get the name off that.
Hope that helps.