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Error 500 (Internal Server Error) | Forum

Antartis Jul 8 '12
I no getting the error, but all people from CHILE are getting it... anyone from CHILE tell me "ur site dosent work Error 500 (Internal Server Error)" 

edit: people from chile are using chrome... but if they use firefox all is OK... 

any clues? I cant check because I not from chile...

The Forum post is edited by Antartis Jul 8 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Jul 9 '12
And you can access your website successfully from Chrome and FF, right? It's really weird, if your server was closed for visitors from Chile, they would had received an 403 error. Did you contact your hosting company regarding the issue?
Antartis Jul 9 '12
yes, I use chrome, but I try with explorer and firefox and all ok.. is just them from Chile. I will contact the host then. Thanks!