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facebook connect latin extended how | Forum

omer Aug 29 '16
my facebook coonect not works with turkish character how can i do correct it as  latin extended
ross Team
ross Aug 29 '16
It's not possible due to the symbols in the turkish alphabet. the username is used as URL for example of My profile page, it can cause errors, which is why you need to use only latin characters. 
omer Aug 29 '16

Quote from ross It's not possible due to the symbols in the turkish alphabet. the username is used as URL for example of My profile page, it can cause errors, which is why you need to use only latin characters. 

i dont need turkish username i need just its allowing turkish name ve surname...
my problem is this...
The Forum post is edited by omer Aug 29 '16
ross Team
ross Aug 29 '16
the username on facebook is made of first name and last name, if any of this contain some symbole in the character, you won't be able to login, only latin characters. 
omer Aug 29 '16

Quote from ross the username on facebook is made of first name and last name, if any of this contain some symbole in the character, you won't be able to login, only latin characters. 

i think its possible db character setting on phpmyadmin...