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Private Blog Bug? | Forum

Marcus Sep 8 '16
How come content posted in a private blog gets shared to the dashboard newsfeed timeline ain't private at all?
ross Team
ross Sep 8 '16
Nobody, can see your dashboard page, only you. 
Marcus Sep 9 '16
I mean when a person is in my amigos list they will see some like this: Victor shared this photo on this group which is private! I mean my buddies will see my activities on that private group!
The Forum post is edited by Marcus Sep 9 '16
ross Team
ross Sep 9 '16
So, it's a group, not a blog 

We are aware of the issue that the items from a private group appear on the profile newsfeed in case when it is liked or commented on. 

We have already reported this to our devs, it will be fixed asap. 

Please do the search before posting anything on the forum. 

Marcus Sep 9 '16
You right I meant group not blog sorry! Thanks buddy!