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Group BUG! | Forum

Marcus Sep 20 '16
Group newsfeed post missing see more button! The message gets cut-out but show more is missing!
ross Team
ross Sep 21 '16
I'm sorry we cannot reproduce that on our side. See screenshot. 

Pleaes disable all third party plugins on your website, switch to the default theme and see if the issue persists. 

  Screenshot from 2016-09-21 14:56:40.png (227Kb)
Marcus Sep 21 '16
I tested on demo! Create a group and add really long description! Now after you create a group a post in the newsfeed will appear with same description that is cut-out but doesn't have see more!
ross Team
ross Sep 21 '16
Please provide screenshot of the issue. 
Marcus Sep 21 '16
Please take a look!
  21-9-2016 13.9.2 1.jpg (69Kb)
ross Team
ross Sep 21 '16
There was never such a functional in the default software Marcus, this is not a bug what you want to achieve is considered as a custom code modificaiton. 
Marcus Sep 22 '16
Man that post really looks bad! By default a user will look for see more button :)

Thanks buddy anyways! Love ya!
The Forum post is edited by Marcus Sep 22 '16
ross Team
ross Sep 22 '16
I talked to the product designers they said it's a reasonable suggestion, I will pass it to devs, no exact time when it's going to be implemented. Thanks. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Sep 22 '16