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Change Dashboard | Forum

bob Oct 6 '16
Anyone know to change the dashboard from my dashboard to say Welcome back (user name) 
Steve Oct 6 '16
Okay here you go just follow these instructions. I have also include a rar file so you can just download it.

member-name-on-dashviewhistorytalkThe following tutorial will help you display the user's Real Name to them on their dashboard, offering a more welcome feeling to your website. Let us begin!
1)Find the correct base plugin dir:
Go to ow_system_plugins/base/controllers/ in your Oxwall installation path and open component_panel.php with a code editor. Find the following code:
$this->setPageHeading(OW::getLanguage()->text('base', 'dashboard_heading'));2)Replace the code:
Replace the code above with the following code:
$displayName = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getDisplayName(OW::getUser()->getId());$this->setPageHeading(OW::getLanguage()->text('base', 'dashboard_heading', array('username' => $displayName)));Now hit 'Save'!
1)Find the correct base plugin dir:
Go to /ow_system_plugins/base/mobile/controllers/ in your Oxwall installation path and open widget_panel.php with a code editor. Find the following code:
$this->setPageHeading(OW::getLanguage()->text('base', 'dashboard_heading'));2)Replace the code:
Replace the code above with the following code:
$displayName = BOL_UserService::getInstance()->getDisplayName(OW::getUser()->getId());$this->setPageHeading(OW::getLanguage()->text('base', 'dashboard_heading', array('username' => $displayName)));Now hit 'Save'!
3)Clear your cache:
Clear your website cache - to save time check out this awesome FREE plugin
4)Edit the Language Variables:
Go to yourwebsite/admin/languages?&search=my%20dashboard and replace the value 'My Dashboard' with something like 'Hello {$username}! We are pleasured to have you here!'
5)Save it:
Save the language edit and your dashboards should now show the user's their name and a nice welcome!
Code credit: Alicia Jeny Magretha
Original Source

The Forum post is edited by Steve Oct 6 '16
  dash=name.rar (0Kb)
bob Oct 6 '16
Thank you I will try it
Steve Oct 6 '16
It worked for me and others

Darryl B Leader
Darryl B Oct 6 '16
@Bob. Keep in mind that you will have to re-do this after each update. I wound up just editing the language to put this " Hello!! Welcome to your homepage ;)". It doesn't have the username, but I don't have to edit the code after each update either.
Steve Oct 6 '16
You could always do what a lot of people do since that part of the code doesn't really change is keep a copy of the file and then after the update just replace it with the file you made a copy of.
bob Oct 10 '16
Steve I did try the code and it worked fine thanks 
ross Team
ross Oct 11 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Steve Oct 12 '16
NP bob