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How To Truly Disable Mobile Services | Forum

Joshua Sommer
Joshua Sommer Oct 11 '16
I am unable to disable mobile. I just want to use my desktop version without mobile support at the moment. Or, I wouldn't mind if users can use the desktop version on their mobile devices. So, I disabled the mobile version.

Now, users can tap join on their phones and it gives strangely a totally different sign-up page than the one I customized. (It's the default one that comes with oxwall) Also, upon filling out the join form via phone user gets "CSRF TOKEN IS INVALID OR EXPIRED. INVALID DATA SUBMITTED!"

So not only is the mobile version offering a different join page than my desktop, but it is also wasting users time by having them answer all the default questions and rejecting them from joining. 

In conclusion, I am asking how to truly disable mobile services. So far, I have gotten close, but it still seems the mobile version is alive. My website is not the same on both mobile and desktop and the mobile version is crippled perhaps due to the "disable mobile version" option in admin.

ross Team
ross Oct 12 '16
Have you disabled your mobile version in the admin panel here: www.yoursite.com/admin/mobile/settings ?
max Mar 20 '24
How does Gen Mobile cater to the increasing reliance on mobile phones by offering affordable plans, and what are the options for new clients to learn about and subscribe to their services?
Fargo Mar 20 '24
Hello! With the growing dependence on mobile phones for communication, work, and social interaction, it is essential to have a reliable and affordable mobile phone plan. This is where Gen Mobile comes in, providing the best cell phone rates, making it the top choice for many budget-conscious people. You can read about how to become their client on the company’s website, and you can also call gen mobile phone number  and their friendly employees will provide quality advice on this matter.
Alex Jones
Alex Jones Oct 9 '24
A celebration of exploration, eco-friendly values, and elegant textiles, Là Fuori brings together a global community of 'creative nomads' committed to promoting and protecting artisanal craftsmanship. La Fuori