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Image are broken after upload | Forum

Karan V B
Karan V B Nov 3 '16
The images are broken after upload.
dave Leader
dave Nov 4 '16

Check your permissions and clear your cache by turning on dev mode and then refreshing your site then turn dev mode off.

The following folders must have 777 permissions set recursively:

Also this sub folder needs 777 recursively as well.

If the problem persists let us know please. 

Karan V B
Karan V B Nov 4 '16
Could you explain these steps please. I am new to Oxwall.
dave Leader
dave Nov 4 '16
you will need to sign into your site using ftp (filezilla for most people) then you need to make those permissions recursive on those directories with the permissions options on filezilla.  (right click on the folder for the menu)

Recursive means that every folder and every file in the directory must be 777 

And then the sub folder of ow_smarty/template_c needs to be 777 recursive as well. 

Then take a look here to refresh your oxwall cache.  


then just press control - f5 to fresh the page  then turn dev mode off. 

or you can get the free plugin called extreme cache in the store that will clear your cache for you without editing the config file. 

hope that helps

Karan V B
Karan V B Nov 4 '16

Thanks for your help

Karan V B
Karan V B Nov 5 '16
Still the problem proceeds. All image expect profile pictures are fine. Only profile pictures are broken. I think the problem with photo plugin. Help me please. My site URL is kongucommunity.org
dave Leader
dave Nov 5 '16
profile pics are showing just fine for me.  It looks like a cache issue, are you using cloudflare?
Karan V B
Karan V B Nov 6 '16
Thank you, Now the problem solved. Thanks once again. I use simplicity theme. How to remove the picture top of all. Its really annoying.