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Edit button in newsfeed | Forum

Aleksey Nov 7 '16
Hi! When will be added this kind of button or how to create it?
ross Team
ross Nov 7 '16

Edit button for what? 

Aleksey Nov 8 '16

Quote from ross

Edit button for what? 

For newsfeed. For example I want to change my post. Now I need to delete it and re-write again, that means I will lose all likes and comments. Better to press Edit button and change everything you want.
P.S. I'm talking about Oxwall engine.
The Forum post is edited by Aleksey Nov 8 '16
ross Team
ross Nov 8 '16
There's no such plans to implement such feature. In the meantime this is considered as a custom code modification. 

You will need to do that on your own or hire a programmer. You can do that here: https://developers.oxwall.com/market/specialists

ross Team
ross Nov 8 '16
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Oxwall Tips
Oxwall Tips Nov 9 '16
+1 to Chris's point. Point of newsfeed is giving an accurate and fair information that can not be changed. Treat this like a Twitter stream. What is posted is posted. If you want to change anything, delete previous content and generate a new one.
Aleksey Nov 9 '16

Quote from Oxwall Tips +1 to Chris's point. Point of newsfeed is giving an accurate and fair information that can not be changed. Treat this like a Twitter stream. What is posted is posted. If you want to change anything, delete previous content and generate a new one.

Yea and when I was made grammar mistake, I will delete all my message with all likes and comments to change it. Good idea.
ali Apr 11 '23
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