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Oxwall as a community platform | Forum

Stuart Jul 27 '12
I was just wondering if anybody like myself see's Oxwall as a perfect platform for community activities such as open-source projects?

I say open-source but this could be any collaborative process.

I wondered if anybody else would be interested in collaborating, providing input or quotes for something that follows this rough outline.

Its basically a community member value mechanism and without rambling along here is how it works.

Generally as members of our own community we are either for or against or not interested.
So on all posts in Oxwall (blogs, photo's, video's, forum entries...) can have a simple "Facebook Like" mechanism that is expanded to for or against. Doing nothing is the third option of abstaining.
I prefer yin & yang as its not as confrontational as for or against.
Anyway :)

Its about providing an automated peer review methodology in a community. Where a leader-board of top contributors is easily assessed.

The idea is that all members have a certain quota of votes. When they vote for then that vote is transferred to the recipients quota.
This is where a peer review methodology comes in. If the community values your input then you will have more weight to vote with.
If your against then that vote isn't transferable but it is important to provide a mechanism to disagree.

I am not sure if this should be a fork from the current Oxwall or a series of plugins. But I am really interested in gaining an open discussion of how the above can be created.

I have left it simple for now but would like to expand on a possible system if anybody is interested?

Many Thanks

The Forum post is edited by Stuart Jul 27 '12
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Is that something like Soureforge?
Stuart Jul 27 '12
In a way yes, apart from sourceforge is a collection of projects that can be voted on.

I am suggesting to use oxwall for a singular specific project and allow mechanisms to vote for the best contributors.

Creating either a fork or plugins to allow Oxwall to become a generic platform for collaboration projects.

The Forum post is edited by Stuart Jul 27 '12