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Customize Oxwall Template File | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Development » Themes
Andreas Jul 27 '12
Here we go: I try to make a mobile Theme. And it works good at the Moment ;) See the attached files.
Now I have the problem that oxwall is not CSS conformed created! Thats a pitty. Maybe you could change this with the next update?
All inline Styles have to be in a css File.

I have to change the Following Files:
* ..\ow_system_plugins\base\views\components\ajax_sign_in.html
* ..\ow_system_plugins\base\views\components\console.html
* ..\ow_system_plugins\base\views\controllers\user_standard_sign_in.html

Is it possible to add these Files to my Template and let oxwall use these Files instead of the original files?
If this doesn't work. Is there a HOOK wich I can use, to get this work?
  break1.PNG (213.88Kb)
  break2.PNG (142.75Kb)
Andreas Jul 30 '12
Nobody has an idea? It would be awesome to have an idea.
Den Team
Den Aug 14 '12
Sorry for delay. 

Agreed, you are right. With next update we will research template files and fix inline css in such places. 

Thanks for report. 

Andreas Aug 15 '12
Thanks for your reply, this would be great.
Is there a Date when this update will appear?
jeo Aug 16 '12
hi guys i have a code that sends mobile users to a mobile site like for example full site www.site.com and m.site.com, this will be good to restrict mobile users to the mobile theme.

Copy the code below and past it at admin/settings/page and add your mobile url init.

<script type="text/javascript">
    if (screen.width <= 800) {
        window.location = "URL Here";
Andreas Aug 16 '12
I decided to share my theme here :D. I don't need such things like an extra subdomain and I don't need Javascript...

I only have to try if I can install it on a oxwall installation and write a installation manual. Because, there are some files wich I had to modify.