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Simple ways that Oxwall can improve consumer relations | Forum

dave Leader
dave Nov 15 '16
No company is perfect and there are always simple things that a company can do to improve consumer relations.  By simple i mean just that, change some text, improve page content, update content, things that can be done with little effort and very affordable to the company. 

1. Clean up the Premium Support Page, several of those banner links and advertisements on that page do not even have a website anymore, are out of business, or are no longer worthy of being on that page.  This is a real eyesore for consumers that want reliable options and they click on something that is advertised to be premium on a special page and they get "site not found"  for which has been the case for over 2 years now.  This does not give them confidence in Oxwall. 

2. Give the leaders some kind of control or ability to block spammers.  We are here much of the time that team members are not and we can assist with helping you block spammers.  As soon as Ross leaves for the weekend they hit almost immediately with their spam and many times they bombard the site with post after post and we as leaders are helpless to stop them other than to report them.  Which reporting them wont be handled until days later when the team arrives back.  Proven leaders need more responsibility to help Oxwall handle this.  It looks bad for Oxwall when potential users see that garbage all over the place. 

3. Remove Blue Host from the recommended hosting list.  They have so many issues with running this script and i dont know why.  Any basic hosting install can run Oxwall if they follow normal standardized setup process. But for some reason Blue Host wants to be different and in doing so they cause many issues for customers.  These users depend on the recommendation of Oxwall for a good hosting company with little issue but it seems that right from the start Blue Host customers have issues. 

4. Say something on your Blog between updates.  This will help people to stay involved and feel like they are being informed about normal topics along the way.  If the blog is only going to be used for just update announcements then get rid of the blog, you can do that with a simple category on the forum and you dont need a blog for that.  Consumers see the lack of topics and they think nothing is happening  

These are just a few things that are simple to do and can have a huge impact on customer relations and building new user commitment. 

Thanks Dave ;0)

Shaun Nov 15 '16
Agree 100%

Im sure the Oxwall team are as passionate about their software as you are Dave, Its just a shame they dont vocalise their efforts more.

We have all invested in the software in one way or another so please let us know whats happening and take on board what were saying in our comments.

Especially on the mobile side lol ;-)
The Forum post is edited by Shaun Nov 15 '16
ali Apr 11 '23
В Арт Академи в София, децата могат да се научат на различни техники за рисуване, керамика, крафт с полимерна глина и много други изкуствени дейности. През последните години, училището се е утвърдило като един от най-добрите центрове за изкуство за деца в София. Една от големите предимства на Арт Академи е, че децата не само могат да се забавляват, но и да учат много полезни умения като търпение, точност и творческо мислене. Децата могат да се развиват в своите умения и да изразят своята индивидуалност. В Арт Академи има и опитни учители, които ще насочат децата и ще им помогнат да развият своя талант. Всички материали и оборудване, необходими за изкуството, са на разположение в училището. Арт Академи