Would also like to modify width (marked in yellow).
Would also like to modify width (marked in yellow).
.ow_menu_wrap_custom .ow_main_menu li {
text-align: left;
width: 175px;
padding: 19px 0px 11px 50px;
on line 8005 change the padding values
I cleared browser cache, as well as dev mode and extreme cache on server
The attached snapshots show after changed padding value from 19px to 2px. (Have since changed to 0px which was reflected on iPad portrait but not iPhone portrait?
Is there a separate Oxwall area for mobile that is overwriting these values?
.ow_menu_wrap_custom .ow_main_menu li {
text-align: left;
width: 175px;
padding: 19px 0px 11px 50px;
line 7370 of base.css
play with the padding values