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Background still can scroll when displaying photo -iOS - Omni Blue | Forum

Kevin Nov 23 '16
Not sure if this is Theme related or Oxwall core code...

Have mobile turned off and using full responsive theme (Omni Blue)

Issue: Screens with photo popup do not disable scrolling of dimmed background layer behind the photo popup. Example include:

Photo, Main Screen/Photo: after clicking on a photo, note still able to scroll background by vertical finger swipe.

Platform: Issue is on iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) and Android.

The Forum post is edited by Kevin Nov 24 '16
ross Team
ross Nov 23 '16
I'm sorry how can you scroll if the photo takes almost whole screen, any swipe goes right on the photo? Do you mean even if you do that, the background layer with the site scrolls? 
Kevin Nov 24 '16
Press and drag on the photo either up or down. You will see the background sliding up/down above and below the photo. (Happens iOS and android)

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