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1.8.4 with HTTPS, .htaccess redirects with no theme (no CSS) | Forum

Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Nov 30 '16

https://colossus.fi redirects correct to https://colossus.fi/ow/index.php

but pages shows with no css styles.

root .htaccess is:

RewriteEngine On RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://colossus.fi/ow/index.php$1 [R,L]

This goes over my top. Is this covered already somewhere...?

The Forum post is edited by Kimmo Kivelä Nov 30 '16
dave Leader
dave Nov 30 '16
check to see if you have dev mode and/or debug mode on in your ow_includes/config.php file.  They both should be set to false in the very bottom section, dont worry about the first section just work with the second section.  

If they are then set dev mode to true (save it), hit control F5 then set it back to false (save it) 

are you still having issues after that?

ross Team
ross Nov 30 '16
https://colossus.fi shows 500 internal server errror. 

why do you redirect to index.php? 

ross Team
ross Nov 30 '16
what do you have in your config.php for home uri? 
Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Nov 30 '16

define('OW_URL_HOME', 'https://colossus.fi/ow/index.php');


  define('OW_DEBUG_MODE', false);    define('OW_DEV_MODE', false);    define('OW_PROFILER_ENABLE', false);

I have index.php cause I want Oxwall to show main page instead of custom blogs.

Should I change it to https://colossus.fi/ow/  ?

Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Nov 30 '16
I did change root .htaccess to

RewriteEngine On 

RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} 80 

RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://colossus.fi/ow/$1 [R,L]


define('OW_URL_HOME', 'https://colossus.fi/ow/');

Results is I have mixed content, but page loads ok.


ross Team
ross Nov 30 '16
mixed content occured due to the uploaded header image. 

can you reset the image to default and upload new one? 

Kimmo Kivelä
Kimmo Kivelä Nov 30 '16
I reset the header image and saved it,

uploaded new image: mixed content.

I got mixed content with default simplicity header image too, or without 

any header image at all.